G is back in the BUILDING!  Another STEELWORKS joint this time featuring the "first-born son" of the legendary ODB, the one and only Barson Unique, aka: Boy Jones, aka: The Young Dirty Bastard.  STEELWORKS24 is three remixes of the 2009 promo track "I Want A Million Dollars." 


Ah, SHAOLIN TEMPLE3.  This was probably the first project I ever heard from GBUILDING, and still is among my favorites.  Though from my knowledge G never created an actual SHAOLIN TEMPLE 1 or 2, I assume that these act as audio sequels to the actual Kung-Fu movies...but I will probably have to verify that with GBUILDING himself.

Equipped with a versatile playlist ranging from victorious violin laced melodies, to soulful strings, then down to some of the most hard-hitting, gruesome, grimy dungeon beats you've ever heard SHAOLIN TEMPLE3 does not disappoint.

Conceptually it works well, thrusting you into the unfolding drama of a vintage Kung-Fu flick.  If the GBUILDING was an actual architectural structure, I would consider the SHAOLIN TEMPLE projects the foundation. If you have not listened to or downloaded it yet, what are you waiting for?

Download SHAOLIN TEMPLE3 for FREE on our SHAOLIN TEMPLE ARCHIVE PAGE, or listen to it right now HERE.


Whatup GBUILDING fans!  We have been away for a while but only to resurface with some new updates.  The GBUILDING FANBLOG is now on Twitter, mostly because I like the Tweet My Song application that allows listeners to listen to tracks, post them online and give you a chance to download them, giving us one more location to archive the immense collection of music that GBUILDING has contributed.

In the meantime, I am re-uploading / fixing all of the links for the ICE VEINS COLLECTION (finally complete!) and the GATORS COLLECTION (complete!).   I am also working on getting a couple other things done that I promised in the first post on this blog including hopefully getting some info on the much anticipated first commercial GBUILDING release: THE BUTCHER!

To all of the fans, thanks for sticking with us, enduring the long layover and still visiting regularly.  November has been our biggest month ever on the GBUILDING FANBLOG, with over 1200 visitors already!  We appreciate you and will continue to supply you with that "raw" you come here for.



After a long hiatus, I blog again with a highly anticipated GBUILDING release: GRIPZ OF DOOM3!
In many ways, this contains all the elements of a genuine DOOM project.  Amazing intros, ill DOOM related excerpts from Marvel cartoons (in this case, Fantastic Four Cartoons) and of course some of the wildest variety of GBUILDING beats G has endeavored to mastermind yet.  One thing I like about GBUILDING/DOOM G-MIXES is that DOOM inherently can rhyme over pretty much anything.  I imagine that gives a producer a ton of freedom to go crazy.  G goes in and again delivers a scorching 32 tracks offering up some of my favorite joints yet.

Get GRIPZ OF DOOM3 for FREE in the STEELWORKS ARCHIVE or listen to the whole tracklisting HERE.


Though I have not been able to update recently, GBUILDING has been ridiculously busy.
For the first from a barrage of NEW RELEASES, G drops STEELWORKS20 composed with no commercial samples. Check it out for FREE in the featured section on the right or in the STEELWORKS ARCHIVE.